Hi guys, Xander the Clerk here! Today at reclaim we got a lot of new vhs thanks to Meredith! Way to go! It was a great day and I got to meet the new Clerk (more on that later). In this new stock we got a lot of great VHS, including Navy Seals!!!!! We got it! Navy seals is here!

If you don’t understand why Navy Seals is such a big deal then you must not have been a huge movie person when this came out. It is famed as one of the worst movies in it time. Also it was in Clerks where this famed line came from :

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Anyway I want to let you all know we official have over 1000+ VHS tapes in the store!!! Can’t wait for 10,000 Vhs in the future!

Image result for 1000+ gif

I got to meet the new Clerk at Reclaim Video today! He works the monday and wednesday shift if you want to come in and meet him. I’m not going to say his name for now, privacy of course. He seems chill, seems to know some good movies. Didn’t test him or anything, no salt at a new worker. Basically I hope you all welcome him when you come in and see him!Image result for 2 clerks gif

Today I really didn’t have time to watch anything. Trying to focus on putting all the VHS in our system , and of course figure out where we are going to put them. Had Awsten Powers , and Phantom of the Opera on.  Both fun movies, lots of good quotes. here’s a fun gif:

Image result for austin powers gif

Well I have to go now! I love all of you who continue to support Reclaim Video! We can’t wait to see you all when you come in. Please if your in the area, give us a visit. You will not regret it!

– Xander The Clerk

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