4/18 : I’m still alive!?

It’s me, Xander The Video Clerk!

How are all of you? Remember me, I totally didn’t forget to update here occasionally. 


Anyway let me tell you all about what’s new at Reclaim Video! First you can now watch the Reclaim Video store 24/7! just go to reclaimvideo.com/live !

We are totally living up to the name Video Store Of The Future; how you might ask? well we now have a robot working at Reclaim Video!

Check out those nice wheels. and that amazing screen!

We have been acquiring a lot of arcade cabinets lately, there is now a Pac-Man in Reclaim, and countless different games in Reclaim Hosting. I feel that make everyone happy, and really brighten the room.

Our customer base just keeps increasing! There are just so many wonderful people who love the video stores of old. In fact about one or two weeks ago I had a nice man and his wife come in, he told me all about his collection of foreign films which all are raw. He said it brought tears to his eyes to know that there were still video stores out there carrying on the time old tradition.

Last time I wrote I had mentioned a new worker, he is still doing well and he seems to be pretty good. I will of course not comment on ways I would do things differently. He definitely knows his stuff where it matters, and I happily see him as a true VHS era fan. On Reclaim Today Jim and Tim said our names twice! (I counted) so I guess it’s fine for me to say his name now, so ah another formal welcome to Matt… or well really happy 5 months dude.

It’s been a wonderful day at Reclaim Video! I hope you all have a lovely day, and do please come by Reclaim Video if you ever have the chance!

Also don’t forget we have a merch store : (shop.reclaimhosting.com)

-Xander The Video Clerk

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